The Rex

UX Case Study
June 2023

Project Overview

The Rex is a fictional mid-sized family owned movie theatre located in a downtown metropolis. They show new releases and old classics to attract a wide target audience. The goal of this project was to design a mobile app for users to purchase tickets and reserve seats before the show.

My Role

As the only designer on this project, I was responsible for conducting user research, creating wireframes, low and high fidelity prototypes, conducting usability studies, and iterating on final designs.

UX Design Process


Learn about the user through interviews & research


Specify the user's needs


Come up with creative solutions

Prototype & Test

Simulate user experience & validate with the user

User Research

In order for me to build a product to solve the user's problem, I first needed to understand the user. With the wide target audience in mind, I conducted a handful of user interviews with varying age, backgrounds, and experience at movie theatres. I started by getting to know them better and making them feel more comfortable before finding out in-depth experiences purchasing tickets online and at movie theatres.

There were three common pain points that stuck out to me:

• Count down timers on apps and websites made users feel on edge
• Purchasing tickets as a group has complications when trying to decide on a date/time, and sharing tickets afterward
• Users often want to go backwards in the flow but worry about losing progress

User Persona

With all the data collected from the interviews, I created a few personas to represent the goals and characteristics of the end users.

This is Saara:

Market Research

Along with user research, I conducted a competitive audit on some of my main direct and indirect competitors.

Defining the Problem

At this point knowing who I'm designing for, I asked myself "which of my user's needs or problems are the most important for my design to address?"

To answer this, I came up with problem statements for my personas, and a "How might we?" question to solve those problems.

Problem Statement

Saara is a busy student who needs to purchase advance tickets for her and her friends, because the more prepared she feels before the movie, the more she can relax and enjoy her company at the theatre.

How might we...

How might we help Saara feel confident and prepared through the ticket purchasing process?


User Flow

My final step before jumping into the design phase was creating a user flow to help guide my design decisions.

Ideation on Paper

I began the design phase by sketching out some wireframes of what the app would look like. I made multiple iterations of the app's home screen and moved through the user flow.

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Digital Wireframes

From the paper wireframes, I created digital low fidelity wireframes and a prototype. The layout highlighted each movie and make extra information available without overwhelming the user. I addressed key pain points that came up in research, sharing movie details and available showtimes, and making sure to add a 'change date/time' option mid flow.

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Low Fidelity Prototype Testing

Using the lofi prototype, I ran two rounds of usability studies with 6 users in order to obtain some real-time feedback on what improvements I could make to the user experience of this design.

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High Fidelity Mockups

After making the changes found during testing, I came up with a visual identity and created final mockups as well as a high fidelity prototype.
View prototype
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Final Takeaways & Next Steps

Working on this project taught me how critical the define and research phases are in UX design. It was very important for me to ignore my personal biases and assumptions, especially as I could see myself being part of the target audience I'm designing for. Some of my early designs seemed intuitive to me, but were unclear for users to understand. The usability studies helped me see which of those designs had the best user experience, which paved the way towards my high fidelity designs. The more time I spent on research and experimenting with early designs meant less time spent having to make major changes later on.

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